Why every conference needs a great event coordinator
If your role involves organising conferences and business events, it can feel like everything is your job. Catering question? Your problem. Glitches with the AV? Your problem. The keynote speaker suddenly wants a live mariachi band as she walks on stage. You again.
Very few people in New Zealand organising conferences or other business get-togethers do it full-time. For most, putting together that roadshow, sales conference or awards dinner is just one more thing to squeeze into the diary. So, solving those last-minute problems – or organising things so they don’t happen in the first place – is a big ask.
That’s where professional event coordinators come in.
At Palmy Venues we have five full-time event coordinators on the team, 100% committed to making sure your event, big or small, goes off without a hitch. Unlike almost all our clients, running events is all our team does.
Catering? Can do.
They say that a bad lunch will be remembered long after the memories of your awesome PowerPoint have faded. OK, no one says that, but it’s true! Our event coordinators know how to meet your need for feed, whether it’s stand-up snacks, a buffet lunch or a formal sit-down dinner. Having great in-house caterers means we can also deliver amazing value for any budget.
Audio-visual awesomeness.
Hello is this thing on? Great conference AV is made up of two parts: leading-edge tech and super-skilled people. Our onsite technical officer is your go-to to make sure your event has all the gear it needs and that everything – including video streaming – happens how it’s meant to when it’s meant to.
We know some people.
Our event coordinators have many years of experience running conferences right here in Palmy. That means when you need some flowers arranged, cocktails mixed, dancefloor bangers played, restaurants recommended or guests transported they’ll know exactly who to call. Conference organising headaches? Not on our watch!
Budget magic.
Whether you have a fixed budget or are looking to us for guidance, our event coordinators are experts at turning every dollar into a great conference experience. Because our venues are council-owned, we look at the bigger picture when costing events. We’re here to help bring people to Palmy, not just to make a profit. That means that seat for seat, sausage roll for sausage roll, our conferences are some of the best value you’ll find.
Speaking of budget…
This is the part in the infomercial where the host asks, “so how much would you expect to pay for a dedicated, experienced event coordinator to make your conference awesome?”
Plot twist: nothing. Zip. Zero. When you’re smart enough to run an event with Palmy Venues there’s no extra charge for the end-to-end service you’ll receive from your event coordinator. We’re here to make Palmy the go-to choice for conference organisers so our whole community benefits – not try and get every last cent out of your budget!
Any questions?
Not just a killer way to end your conference presentation… questions are where our event coordinators really shine. Running 3500 events a year, from community venue bookings to three-day national conferences for 300 people, means we know ALL the questions to ask organisers up front. That way, nothing is missed, everything is planned and you’re well on your way to taking all the credit for a Bloody Good Conference. Go you!
You can read more about what our event coordinators bring to your next Bloody Good Conference here.