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Prepare to dive, position yourself, and power your way into the thrilling realm of volleyball! The New Zealand Secondary School Volleyball Championships (NZSSVC), officially endorsed by School Sport New Zealand. Calling all remarkable Year 11 to 13 students – this...
Ready to smash it at the demolition derby? Let’s rev up and get those engines roaring! Date 29 March
Needing plans for this long weekend? Head on down to Robertston Prestige International Speedway for an action packed line up. Date 18 April
Stockcar King of the Arena – Finals + Manawatu Sprintcar Champs + Midget King of the Arena Midgets Minisprints Sprintcars Stockcars Youth Ministocks Date 19 April
To round the season out you are in for a treat. With a race line up of Stockcars, SuperStocks, Midgets, Minisprints and don’t forget Fireworks! Bring the family along, to round the season off with a bang! Date 3 May
Join us at Pulse Netball, the premier professional domestic competition for women in the country! This exciting league showcases why netball continues to be the most played female sport nationwide. Led by NCZ and aligned with NNZ’s performance programme, the...
The Women’s Lifestyle Expo is a two-day event for women of all ages, featuring everything from fashion and beauty to health and fitness, artisan goods, gourmet food & beverages and much more! The only event of its kind happening in...
Meet the future of work in person. Our regional expos provide the opportunity to connect face to face with young people looking to make key decisions about their future career choices. Date 21 May Register Now
Embracing Tradition. Transforming the Future. Join us for: NZIFST Food Industry Awards Dinner, Exhibitor Networking, Student Poster Competition, 3 Minute Pitch Competition, Early Career Foodies’ Function. Date 24 + 26 June Register Now