Palmy’s weather forecast cancels Central Energy Trust Arena redevelopment open day activities
Today we have made the hard decision to cancel the Arena redevelopment opening activities, activations and stalls from 10am-3pm because Palmy is forecast for rain on Saturday.
The official opening speeches with Mayor Grant Smith and MP Tangi Utikere will still go ahead at 10am.
We have also had considerable rainfall over recent weeks which hasn’t been favourable for our grounds and the establishment of the grass.
Our team and stallholders had several activities planned on the grass which can no longer go ahead because it’s too wet underfoot.
We know our community and stallholders have been looking forward to this event and exploring our upgraded facilities.
The facilities can be viewed at our next speedway meeting on Saturday 1 May from 5pm. The grand finale will be held on Saturday 8 May. The finale will feature stockcars, superstocks, youth ministocks, sidecars, minisprints and adult ministocks.
We are disappointed we have had to make this tough decision but we look forward to utilising these facilities for future community events.